Team Meeting Agenda for September 14, 2021
Clark Boylan
cboylan at
Mon Sep 13 21:13:03 UTC 2021
We will meet September 14, 2021 at 19:00 UTC in #opendev-meeting with this agenda:
== Agenda for next meeting ==
* Announcements
* Actions from last meeting
* Topics
** Mailman Ansible and Server Upgrades (clarkb 20210914)
*** is running focal now
**** Number of manual edits made to services captured in
**** Ran into issues with Xen being able to boot lz4 compressed kernels
**** We decompressed the kernel but that still failed
**** We installed grub-xen then set up a chainload situation to a xen specific grub preloader via /boot/grub/menu.lst
**** This chainload situation may not need a compressed kernel? If it doesn't this server may be viable long term and we can document things.
**** We should consider replacing the server to get away from Xen PV weirdness and to maybe use a floating IP which can be moved between upgraded instances in the future.
** Improving OpenDev's CD throughput (clarkb 20210914)
*** We can run many of our jobs in parallel in all of our CD pipelines. But this requires we properly document/address dependencies
**** Need to understand our job dependencies and properly note them in Zuul config or address them by combining jobs.
***** Example 1: Combine service-gitea-lb and service-gitea jobs.
***** Example 2: Combine letsencrypt and nameserver jobs
***** Example 3: Have all jobs with webserver config express a dependency on the letsencrypt job
**** Suggest we document the known job dependencies in a human readable format, then encode this into zuul, then we can switch to parallel runs.
**** starts to sketch this out.
** Gerrit Account cleanups (clarkb 20210914)
*** 33 conflicts remain. Clarkb has written notes on proposed plans for each user in the comments of review02:~clarkb/gerrit_user_cleanups/audit-results-annotated.yaml
** OpenDev logo hosting (clarkb 20210914)
*** Next up would be updating paste and gerrit. Then we can safely upgrade the gitea server without impacting theming on other services.
** Working with InMotion Friday to increase IP addr allocation and scale up (clarkb 20210914)
*** Will try to debug instance launch failures there prior to Friday.
** Scheduling Gerrit project renames (clarkb 20210914)
*** We've got a few of these showing up now. We should look at a calendar and pencil in some plans.
* Open discussion
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