Hello all!

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost a month since OSSNA!

We just wanted to reach out to you to thank you for attending our mentorship panel, and once again invite you to join us for the first call of our mentorship discussion group. The group is meant to be a hub for anyone interested in, participating in, leading, or thinking about starting mentorship programs. Let’s ask questions, share insights, learn, and advance FLOSS mentoring together!

The call is taking place on Zoom on May 23rd at 11am PST.

Find below all relevant links.

Hope to see you soon!

Zoom link to the call on May 23rd at 11am PST:


Add the call to your calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=XzY4bzM0ZDFnNmdvMzJsMWg3NG9qMGNoaGI4bWppY2hsNnNvMzhjcG83MHBqYWczNmNrczMwZWhnNzhvM2tjMXE2aGo2YWVoaWM5ajZjZWo2Y2xnbTZlaGhjNG9qNHBiZWVjcWcgam9uQG51bWZvY3VzLm9yZw&tmsrc=jon%40numfocus.org 

Discord Server Invite:
