17 janv. 2024 18:16:27 C R <cajhne@gmail.com>:
My thought is that a cute sticker is more collectable and might pique more curiosity than just the MOOC Logo, but would like to hear from everyone what their opinion is on that? Want me to make a version with Patch character + "Open Source MasterClass" logo?
On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 4:23 PM Xavier Antoviaque <xavier@antoviaque.org> wrote:
Looks great to me! Not sure if people will understand what it is about from just the sticker, but if that's just to give them a cute sticker with the URL to remember what the name of the project is, after discussing with them, then that works.
For the budget side of FOSDEM btw - are you using any of your funding on it Marc?
On Mon, Jan 15, 2024, at 17:36, C R wrote:
Here's the price breakdown for custom cut stickers from stickermule: