Hi all, Small update after today's preparatory meeting : - The main goal of the sprint is to aim for a draft version of as much of the MOOC as possible. - To save on setup time and on conflict resolution, we'll work on an openedx instance setup for the sprint (on opencraft) which will be updated before the sprint to the current/latest version of the course, then merged after the sprint into the repo. - To save time on coordination, RĂ©mi (M2, M5), Xavier (M4) and I (M6) will prepare the outline of the course based on the transcripts, in order to have it all prepared so that people can work on individual sections right away - The plan is to start at 3PM UTC with a small setup discussion + define who wants to write on which sections, then work until 5PM UTC, where we'll make a pause and progress discussion, then back to writing until around 6h45UTC (probably 6h30 UTC on Friday to get more discussion time) - We'll meet on https://digimedia1.r2.enst.fr/b/mar-vab-tqr (bigbluebutton) for voice discussions See you on Wednesday ! -- Marc Additional ads: - If you're interested in joining the biweekly meetings, the time has changed to 6PM UTC (next one is Dec 20th) - If you're interested in joining the ML, it's on http://lists.opendev.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/floss-mooc :)