We are having issues with the version/branch menu on the starlingx docs site.


From a release branch, e.g docs.starlingx.com/r/stx.6.0 trying to switch to another release branch append the "r/stx.<version>/" to the current URL instead of pointing to https://docs.starlingx.io/r/stx.<version>. i.e. docs.starlingx.com/r/stx.6.0/r/stx.7.0 is constructed instead of the correct docs.starlingx.com/r/stx.7.0.


The settings in the corresponding Sphinx conf.py file are:


starlingxdocs_plus_this_version = "r/stx.6.0"

starlingxdocs_plus_other_versions = [("Version 7.0","r/stx.7.0"),("Version 8.0","r/stx.8.0"),("Latest","/")]



Can we confirm if these conf.py settings are correct? If they are, then we will open a bug against the template.

