On 2021-05-21 19:29:46 +0000 (+0000), Jeremy Stanley wrote: [...]
Because the OpenDev Collaboratory exists to serve the projects it hosts, input from project representatives and the Advisory Council is critical in deciding major changes to services. [...]
Quoting here from a response posted on the kata-dev mailing list: On 2021-05-25 19:16:00 +0200 (+0200), Fabiano Fidêncio wrote: [...]
We discussed this during the architecture committee meeting Today and we'll follow the path that OpenInfra is following. If the change will be done to OFTC, and OpenInfra will take care of setting things up for us (including the slack-irc and irc-slack bots), we're just super happy to go for that.
Some of us, a big portion of us, already are present at OFTC due to other communities we contribute to.
http://lists.katacontainers.io/pipermail/kata-dev/2021-May/001935.html As an aside, I already replied to their list that folks at the OpenInfra Foundation are taking care of the Slack bridge Fabiano mentioned, but that they're also aware and I'll be keeping them in the loop as well for any changes needed. -- Jeremy Stanley