We will meet on October 17, 2023 at 19:00 UTC in #opendev-meeting with this agenda: == Agenda for next meeting == * Announcements ** The PTG is being held October 23-27 (less than a week away) * Actions from last meeting * Specs Review * Topics ** Mailman 3 (clarkb 20230627) *** https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/mm3migration *** All lists are migrated. *** Local copies of openstack-discuss emails were broken on lists01. This resulted in people sending mail getting notices that their emails could not be delivered. We have since removed the attempt at making local copies. *** Need to clean up the old server. ** Letsencrypt certcheck failures in Ansible (clarkb 20231017) *** Getting `'ansible.vars.hostvars.HostVarsVars object' has no attribute 'letsencrypt_certcheck_domains'` *** https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/898475 Changes to LE roles to improve debugging ** Zuul not properly caching new branches on creation (clarkb 20231017) *** openstack/puppet-placement created a new 2023.2 branch but Zuul didn't see it leading to no jobs running against changes to that branch *** Current workaround appears to be doing a tenant reconfiguration for the affected tenant. **** docker exec zuul-scheduler_scheduler_1 zuul-scheduler tenant-reconfigure openstack ** Upgrading Bionic servers to Focal/Jammy (clarkb 20230627) *** https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/opendev-bionic-server-upgrades *** Next up mirrors and meetpad. ** Updating the InMotion/OpenMetal Cloud Deployment (clarkb 20230919) *** https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/redeploying-opendevs-openmetal-cloud Notes from discussion with Yuriy here *** Appear to have three options. Redeploy now, redeploy in a month or two, or redeploy after ~February. The later the redeployment the better the returns. Need to balance that with how many times we feel we can redeploy. ** Python container updates (tonyb 20230718) *** https://review.opendev.org/q/(topic:bookworm-python3.11+OR+hashtag:bookworm)... Next round of image rebuilds onto bookworm. *** zuul-operator and openstackclient are the last holdouts on python3.10. Change is up to drop python3.9 builds. ** Gitea 1.21.0 Upgrade (clarkb 20230926) *** https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/897679 *** Still don't have a changelog. *** SSH RSA keys must be 3072 bits long. Shorter keys are rejected by gitea. Currently the change disables the length check entirely to workaround this. * Open discussion