while i agree that it might be nice for openinfra to provide a generic registry instance similar to the one provide by github for integration with there ci i would be concerned by how much load that registry would have and the resocues both human and machine that would be required to run it.
I also believe this would be the biggest roadblocker.
Unless you somehow omitted that one option from your answer, I think you have answered that it is not supported at the moment which would agree with my upfront knowledge. On that note, are there any plans to add that support? Or is the best recommendation to use Quay (as DockerHub's limits are hurtful).
it would certenly be nice to have a opendev quay instance or similar registry aviable that would not not have the same rate limits. kolla if i am not mistaken has mostly swapped to quay.io as has tripleo/rdo due to the dockerhub limits.
Yes, Kolla has moved to quay.io with the use of OpenDev's proxy for CI activities.
if we had an opendev registry we would still proably want to keep the iamge mirror to other registries. having the ablity to provide a contaienr registry like the github contaiern registry would bring more parity to the opendev hosting plathform vs github. had you a partical usage model in mind? i.e. a post merge job that woudl push on each commit or a perodic that woudl push some iamge nightly which would be enabled by the reslevent projects? which registry would be the athoritive default source and which would be the mirror? opendev? quay? dockerhub? the other question i woudl have is would the registry be open to project not hosted on opendev for development? presumably not but im just trying to gague how you expect it to be used.
This is related to the other questions about OpenDev I had recently. I mean it for a project hosted on OpenDev so that OpenDev can continue the policy of providing extra services to projects hosted by OpenDev and not externally. For these public-facing images, for now, I thought about both nightly (kept for the last 30 days let's say) and the supported releases (once 2-3 months) images to be kept available. However, this is very early for me to say anything more as we don't have any size estimates (not even on the image quantity). The authoritative would be OpenDev of course. As mentioned indirectly earlier, the current fallback I have written down is quay.io With GitHub we would use the "everything GitHub" approach.