I support the move as I am aware of several issues that are sorted (or simplified) by using a newer release.
It worth mentioning that GHA has a nice way to announce pending upgrade of
their “nodeset” upgrades: they include a visible warning on each executed job that use a node that is pending a change, something like: “This job is using ubuntu-latest which will soon be switched from x to y. Use specific labels if you want to avoid such a switch.” They do no mention the exact date of the switch but apparently these warnings to stay on for at least one month.
The OpenDev Collaboratory is normally somewhat conservative about
when it changes its Zuul node "default" (that is, the nodeset in its
base job). It's been ubuntu-bionic since at least July of 2019 when
we first moved our base job into its own repository, and
ubuntu-focal nodes have been available in our deployment since
before Ubuntu's 20.04 LTS was officially released more than a year
ago. All that is to say, updating our default is overdue.
On Tuesday, 2021-05-18 (two weeks from today) we'll approve
https://review.opendev.org/789098 to update the nodeset to
ubuntu-focal for any jobs which don't specify their own or inherit
from another job which does. We've already merged a change which
updates our base-test job to reflect this, so you can test either by
explicitly setting your jobs to use an ubuntu-focal nodeset or to
inherit from base-test (though we don't recommend merging changes
for the latter, just rely on speculative execution to identify
problems which you may encounter when the default changes).
Please reply to the service-discuss mailing list with any questions
or concerns. You should also feel free to leave comments on the
change linked above.
Jeremy Stanley
service-announce mailing list