On 2023-03-06 17:12:15 +0000 (+0000), Stone, Ronald wrote:
We are having issues with the version/branch menu on the starlingx docs site.
From a release branch, e.g docs.starlingx.com/r/stx.6.0 trying to switch to another release branch append the "r/stx.<version>/" to the current URL instead of pointing to https://docs.starlingx.io/r/stx.<version>. i.e. docs.starlingx.com/r/stx.6.0/r/stx.7.0 is constructed instead of the correct docs.starlingx.com/r/stx.7.0. [...]
Starting from first principles, have a look at the page source for https://docs.starlingx.io/r/stx.8.0/ and you'll see in the div with class="version-dropdown-content" the hrefs are all relative (no leading "/" in them). I would try adding a leading "/" to the second string in each tuple within that starlingxdocs_plus_other_versions list in your doc/source/conf.py file and see if that solves the issue. Alternatively, you could adjust doc/source/_themes/starlingxdocs_plus/titlerow.html to prepend a "/" in the href="{{pathto(ver[1], 1) }}" instead like href="/{{pathto(ver[1], 1) }}" which would make it always absolute. -- Jeremy Stanley