We will meet with this agenda on October 3, 2023 at 19:00 UTC in #opendev-meeting: == Agenda for next meeting == * Announcements ** OpenStack release should be finalized this week ** The PTG is being held October 23-27 * Actions from last meeting * Specs Review * Topics ** Mailman 3 (clarkb 20230627) *** https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/mm3migration *** Need to schedule migrations for list domains in blocks **** lists.openstack.org Thursday October 12, 2023 ** Upgrading Bionic servers to Focal/Jammy (clarkb 20230627) *** https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/opendev-bionic-server-upgrades *** Next up mirrors and meetpad. ** Updating the InMotion/OpenMetal Cloud Deployment (clarkb 20230919) *** Heard back from Yuriy. Need to figure out how the OpenMetal update planning impacts our timelines for action. ** Zuul PCRE regex support is deprecated (clarkb 20230905) *** Zuul is moving all regexes to re2 instead of PCRE. We'll need to migrate job configs within OpenDev projects. ** Python container updates (tonyb 20230718) *** https://review.opendev.org/q/(topic:bookworm-python3.11+OR+hashtag:bookworm)... Next round of image rebuilds onto bookworm. *** Deferring Gerrit until after the OpenStack release *** Other images queued up for updates. Note zuul-registry depends on openssl 1.something which isn't available on Bookworm. We'll need to figure that out. ** Etherpad 1.9.3 Upgrade (clarkb 20230926) *** https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/896454 ** Gitea 1.21.0 Upgrade (clarkb 20230926) *** Gitea has released a 1.21.0-rc0. No Changelog yet but we can start preparing for this upgrade whenever we are ready. ** Gerrit replication plugin leaked task files (clarkb 20230926) *** https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/c/plugins/replication/+/387314 Clarkb wrote and pushed a fix upstream * Open discussion