Hello everyone, It is that time of year again where we need to elect a new Service Coordinator. Last election held its candidate nomination period from February 6 to 20, 2024; due to having only a single candidate no voting was necessary. Six months from that time period is August 6 to 20, 2024. The August 2024 OpenDev Service Coordinator election will run on this timeline: candidate nominations open from August 6 to August 20, 2024. Then if we have more than one candidate we will vote to select the winning candidate from August 21 to August 28, 2024. The electorate will be contributors to OpenDev git repos since August 20, 2023 (basically the year prior to the election). Candidates can respond to this email thread indicating their self nomination or start a new thread on this mailing list to do so. We will start and end days at midnight UTC to avoid any confusion around specific timezones. I would encourage anyone who is interested in running to do so. I can answer questions about the role, and am happy to support a new Service Coordinator. Finally, we've got a bit of time before August 6. If there are questions, concerns or feedback on this process please feel free to bring them up here on the mailing list or more directly if necessary. Clark