---- On Mon, 24 May 2021 15:34:19 -0500 Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> wrote ----
On 2021-05-24 11:19:12 -0500 (-0500), Ghanshyam Mann wrote: [...]
Does openinfra projects have their individual choice which one they want to move or continue OR there will be only a single network provided/supported by opendev based on the majority of openinfra projects feedback. [...]
Technically those are two separate questions, so I'll do my best to answer them both.
OpenDev doesn't mandate communication choices for projects, you're always free to communicate where you like.
However, OpenDev doesn't provide nor plan to provide services spanning multiple IRC networks, so we'll attempt to accommodate whichever network the majority of our projects are using. If that's Freenode then clearly we don't need to change anything. If it's OFTC then that's a contingency we've planned for, and we can execute a move of our services there fairly quickly. If it's some other IRC network then expect longer delays and a fair bit more work on our part.
The fact that we've kept channels registered for everyone on OFTC is fairly significant, because that means we don't need to wrest control from anyone who might already be hanging out in them. Without that, some channels (particularly those not namespaced) could take years to get under our control, if ever. --
Thanks for the details. In today TC ad-hoc meeting, we concluded in OpenStack that we are moving to OFTC Details and agreement with action plan are below etherpad: - https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/openstack-irc -gmann
Jeremy Stanley