Infra Team Meeting Agenda for February 15, 2022
We will meet Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 19:00 UTC in #opendev-meeting with this agenda: * Announcements ** Service Coordinator nomination time has begun. You have until February 15, 2022 UTC end of day. That is today. * Actions from last meeting * Specs Review * Topics ** Improving OpenDev's CD throughput (clarkb 20220215) *** Bootstrapping bridge via Zuul is now a complicated subject. Can use zuul secrets to make it happen. Are we comfortable with this? *** -- spec outlining some of the issues with secrets *** -- sample of secret writing; more info in changelog ** Container maintenance (clarkb 20220215) *** *** Running container with dedicated users. Next up all the ircbots. *** Upgrading Zookeeper *** Upgrading MariaDB *** Eventually convert MariaDB container's from uid 999 to something that makes more sense on the system. ** Spring cleaning our Nodepool images (clarkb 20220215) *** cleanup announcement *** Removes fedora 34 mirror content ** Spring cleaning for old reviews? (frickler 20220215) *** system-config has >300 open reviews, most of them in merge-conflict and >1y old *** List of repos to retire. Please review for any that are inappropriate to remove. *** Removes unused repos from integration testing. *** Sets noop jobs on unused repos so that they can be retired. ** Gitea 1.16.1 (clarkb 20220215) *** Change to upgrade to 1.16.1 when we are ready *** Test site via held node here *** There are changes to how docker container processes are started. In particular change log calls out this may affect ssh. We update our testing to push content via ssh to simulate gerrit replication to cover this. ** Gerrit gitea weblinks (clarkb 20220215) *** Fixes in progress upstream **** **** *** Not sure why the bazel test runs fail complaining about java runtimes. This happens for me too on the gerrit repo but only happens to gitiles upstream (not gerrit). * Open discussion
participants (1)
Clark Boylan