He all, I named the room for the D&I session - PTGDiversityAndInclusion <https://meetpad.opendev.org/PTGDiversityAndInclusion>/. Not clear from fungi's email whether the meetpad and etherpad need to be renamed or just the linked etherpad. Thanks, Amy (spotz)
[Leaving Amy in Cc since she's not subscribed to this ML.] On 2020-05-31 20:52:55 -0500 (-0500), Amy Marrich wrote:
I named the room for the D&I session - PTGDiversityAndInclusion <https://meetpad.opendev.org/PTGDiversityAndInclusion>/. Not clear from fungi's email whether the meetpad and etherpad need to be renamed or just the linked etherpad.
It doesn't look like either https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/PTGDiversityAndInclusion or https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ptgdiversityandinclusion have any content yet, so there's nothing to rename. I don't think the mixed-case room name will cause any problems, but just be aware it'll be sharing the latter (lower-cased) Etherpad there. You might consider switching to the lower-cased version of the Meetpad room name to avoid confusion, but if you've already linked it in earlier communications then it's probably fine to just stick with the mixed-case name. -- Jeremy Stanley
participants (2)
Amy Marrich
Jeremy Stanley