[Openinfralabs] Rebuilding the core discussion

Julia Kreger juliaashleykreger at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 20:26:05 UTC 2022

Greetings everyone,

During our recent Open Infrastructure Summit in Berlin, one of the
repeated discussion topics I found myself engaged in suggested a
breakdown in shared context and communication within OpenInfra Labs. A
bit of a root cause analysis occurred, and each discussion quickly
determined there is definitely no fault, but more a result of the
state of engagement which collided against the pandemic. Further
compounded by the time schedule differences which run our various
lives and efforts. It did not help us that we did not use the same
words to begin with.

A few of us have continued going back and forth over the last few
weeks and we've reached the conclusion we need to rebuild the core
consensus and discussion. Ultimately a revision of our mission and
long term vision, in order to better support the sharing of knowledge
and context which is fundamentally needed to support the efforts
occurring within OpenInfra Labs.

Before we really continue onward in these discussions, I think it is
important for us to widen the audience of engagement and enable a
greater chorus of voices to engage as we sort of press the reset
button in order to set expectations, intents, and bring us all back to
a happier, engaged place. In recognition that no single tool or means
will work for everyone, *and* to help provide insight for those that
don't necessarily subscribe to mailing lists or whom are unable to
join our discussions now, the idea has been floated to write about it.
Such as a blog or a journal. To share our story. To share the stories.
To spread the knowledge!

I think we should start with high bandwidth calls to reach the same
page, and then move forward from there.

If you're interested in engaging in this discussion, please reply with
to this email with the days of the week and times that would work, or
that would not work, and I'll try to find a mutually agreeable 30
minute window every two weeks for us to start with.



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