Team Meeting Agenda for October 19, 2021
Clark Boylan
cboylan at
Mon Oct 18 23:00:01 UTC 2021
We will meet October 19, 2021 at 19:00UTC in #opendev-meeting with this agenda:
== Agenda for next meeting ==
* Announcements
** PTG this week.
*** OpenDev session Wednesday October 20, 2021 at 14:00 - 16:00 UTC in
*** Zuul session Thursday October 21, 2021 at 14:00 UTC in
* Actions from last meeting
* Specs Review
** Mailman 3 spec
* Topics
** Improving OpenDev's CD throughput (clarkb 20211019)
*** We can run many of our jobs in parallel in all of our CD pipelines. But this requires we properly document/address dependencies
**** Need to understand our job dependencies and properly note them in Zuul config or address them by combining jobs.
***** Example 1: Combine service-gitea-lb and service-gitea jobs.
***** Example 2: Combine letsencrypt and nameserver jobs
***** Example 3: Have all jobs with webserver config express a dependency on the letsencrypt job
**** Suggest we document the known job dependencies in a human readable format, then encode this into zuul, then we can switch to parallel runs.
***** should list dependencies for all jobs
***** zuul doesn't trigger on this? not sure on best approach to make it mergable
***** currently every executor adds keys for bridge, then logs in and clones system-config before running playbooks
***** this change makes split jobs to do this. however, production remains the same as both are called.
***** this is a follow-on that adds a base job to clone system-config, and stops the other production jobs re-cloning.
***** this job must run first, but then all other jobs can run in parallel, as they are all in the same buildset and using the same "view" of system-config for that particular run
** Gerrit Account cleanups (clarkb 20211019)
*** 33 conflicts remain. Clarkb has written notes on proposed plans for each user in the comments of review02:~clarkb/gerrit_user_cleanups/audit-results-annotated.yaml
** Gerrit project renames (clarkb 20211019)
*** Overall went well.
*** Possible trouble renaming secrets and doing ZK secrets backups?
*** We accidentally updated all Gitea projects. Should we just do that by default: ?
** Improve zuul restarts (frickler 20211014)
*** Docs at need updating
**** What to restart (scheduler,web,fingergw?) and how (docker restart vs. docker-compose)
**** When to run the re-enqueue
**** Collecting debug information
*** Don't reenqueue periodic jobs
* Open discussion
Note the PTG is happening, if there are conflicts we can probably focus on the most important items (zuul restart docs and post project rename stuff) and keep the meeting short.
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