Team Meeting Agenda for May 10, 2022
Clark Boylan
cboylan at
Mon May 9 22:36:14 UTC 2022
We will meet on May 10, 2022 at 19:00 UTC in #opendev-meeting with this agenda:
== Agenda for next meeting ==
* Announcements
** The OpenInfra Summit is about a month away. Its been a while since we had one of those in person.
* Actions from last meeting
* Specs Review
* Topics
** Improving OpenDev's CD throughput (clarkb 20220510)
*** Bootstrapping bridge via Zuul is now a complicated subject. Can use zuul secrets to make it happen. Are we comfortable with this?
*** -- spec outlining some of the issues with secrets
*** -- sample of secret writing; more info in changelog
** Container maintenance (clarkb 20220510)
*** Continue to update services with dedicated users.
*** Upgrading Zookeeper
*** Upgrading MariaDB
*** Eventually convert MariaDB container's from uid 999 to something that makes more sense on the system.
** Spring cleaning for old reviews? (frickler 20220510)
*** system-config has >300 open reviews, most of them in merge-conflict and >1y old
**** Some changes have been labeled with topic:system-config-cleanup and are worth landing:
*** Please look at your changes and update/rebase as necessary and set topic:system-config-cleanup and we can try to get through this backlog. Or abandon unnecessary changes.
** Automating the build process for our Ubuntu PPA packages (clarkb 20220510)
*** ianw is adding more automation to our vhd-util and openafs package builds. This should make it easier for us to update the packages and add new distro releases.
** Support for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS aka Jammy Jellyfish (frickler 20220510)
*** Last major missing piece is wheel builds and mirroring
** Keycloak container image update (clarkb 20220510)
*** Keycloak stopped publishing to Docker Hub.
*** Keycloak has two versions of the image. The Legacy wildfly image (what we use) and a non wildfly image we should probably convert to.
*** Pull keycloak from
* Open discussion
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