We will meet in #opendev-meeting at 19:00 on April 14, 2020 with this agenda: == Agenda for next meeting == * Announcements ** Meeting now in #opendev-meeting. Same time and day of week. * Actions from last meeting * Specs approval * Priority Efforts (Standing meeting agenda items. Please expand if you have subtopics.) ** [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/update-config-m... Update Config Management] *** topic:update-cfg-mgmt *** Gerrit on docker updates **** Now running in a container. What cleanup is necessary? **** Need to upgrade docker-compose to use stop_grace_period config. *** Zuul as CD engine **** All playbooks are zuul driven now **** Work in progress to run with zuul provided system-config and project-config. This splits Zuul ansible and human run ansible on Bridge. ** OpenDev *** Progress on Governance changes **** http://lists.opendev.org/pipermail/service-discuss/2020-April/000001.html * General topics ** Trusty Upgrade Progress (clarkb 20200414) *** Wiki updates ** Etherpad dockerization, db move, and upgrade. (clarkb 20200414) * Open discussion