Team meeting agenda for May 26, 2020
Clark Boylan
cboylan at
Tue May 26 16:17:29 UTC 2020
We will meet today, May 26, 2020 at 19:00 UTC in #opendev-meeting with this agenda:
== Agenda for next meeting ==
* Announcements
** PTG happening next week.
* Actions from last meeting
* Specs approval
* Priority Efforts (Standing meeting agenda items. Please expand if you have subtopics.)
** [ Update Config Management]
*** topic:update-cfg-mgmt
*** Gerrit on docker updates
**** Gerritbot still outstanding todo item.
*** Zuul as CD engine
**** Relying on base playbook (and others like letsencrypt playbooks) to complete successfully on all hosts before modifying subsets of hosts can make it difficult to land updates at times.
** OpenDev
*** Progress on Governance changes
**** Advisory Board thread. We have some volunteers already!
* General topics
** pip-and-virtualenv next steps
*** remove from more popular distros (ianw 20200526)
*** notify and merge?
** DNS cleanup (ianw 20200526)
*** Clearing out old mirrors and lots of old stuff seems to be there
*** : Add tool to export Rackspace DNS domains to bind format
*** Should I post the results of the above to a etherpad for group audit (is equivalent of high latency zone xtfr)
*** run as backup?
** HTTPS on in region mirrors (clarkb 20200526)
*** Test ssl with mirrors via base-test
*** Use ssl with mirrors in production if base-test is happy
** Scaling Jitsi Meet for Meetpad (clarkb 20200526)
*** Ready to launch a server and test.
** Project Renames (clarkb 20200526)
*** We've got a single project rename queued and now that OpenStack release is done cost of doing renames is lower
*** Aiming for June 12, 2020 currently.
** Virtual PTG Attendance (clarkb 20200526)
*** Register if you plan to attend. This helps with planning details.
*** PTG planning
*** Do we want to hold this meeting next week?
** Trusty Upgrade Progress (clarkb 20200526)
*** Wiki updates
* Open discussion
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